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Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Well I have made the decision to move on.  I have officially left working at Courage Center.  I will miss a few people, and the patients, but I think it is time to move on.

I am officially going to Fairview University Medical Center. Neuroscience of course, as you all know is my thing.

I look forward to the future with hope and excitement.

Right now I am just resting and recovering from my long on coming burnout! Sometimes companies cut back so much that they push their employees to be responsible for 2 and sometimes 3 jobs.  For those of us who are willing and want to do the best they can, we take on the challenge to do as much as we can.  Even if this means we work 60 to 70 hour work weeks.  That is what I and several other people were trying to do and they still are trying to do.

There is something wrong when the people above you know you are doing this, but will not admit this to their senior people. Or admit that they are burning out their staff. But I digress. All I am saying is I stood up for my people, was met with a wall and unwillingness to listen.  Now I am happy to be moving on.

The problem with this mentality is that management did not want to know that their employees were doing this.  After you do this for so long, you don't realize how tired you get. You just keep on doing. I take full responsibility for hanging in so long.

Change is necessary for growth.

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