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Sunday, October 9, 2011

A story of amazing courage.

I have a new client at work.  He is a 26 year old male. I cannot tell you his name because of privacy, but this young man is an amazing character.  He was working on a boat lift about 2 hours north of here.  Per him he was doing some electrical work when the cable broke and the boat fell on his foot and he was pinned and bleeding and his leg was a filet. His other foot was cut. He called for help.  The owner of the house came to his aid and he told the guy to go and get him a tourniquet and call 911. Meanwhile he took off his shirt and created pressure around his thigh.  The owner came back with a belt and told him that he had called 911.  This client took the belt and wrapped his leg and pulled it tight.  They got another belt and did the same to the other leg.

This guy was talking the whole time.  He asked the home owner if he had called for a chopper.  The home owner told him he had called 911.  My client used his cell phone and called 911 himself and told them he needed a chopper.  The 911 operator asked are you sure you need a helicopter, and this guy says yes, my foots almost off and I am bleeding bad.  They ultimately ambulance him out and get him to the nearest hospital and then helicopter him to a trauma center.

The kicker of this whole story is that this guy, never passes out.  He keeps pressure to both of his legs. He looses something like only a pint of blood, and he takes pictures while all this is going on.  The paramedics boasted that he was posting on Facebook using his droid phone while he was in the helicopter. Amazing.

He is one of the nicest most polite patients I have ever had.  They had reattached his foot. He is looking at probably a year and several more surgeries before he can walk on his foot. But amazingly he can move his toes. He looks really good and has an awesome attitude and an unrelenting spirit. If he was my son, I would be incredibly proud.  This just goes to show you that you should never give up, even in the face of the worst situation.

Well, that is my snippet for today.  I hope you all enjoy the story.